This area of the United States takes parts of southern California, most of Arizona and New Mexico, and southern portions of texas. This region is bordered by Mexico at their southern regions. This region of the country is very unique due to the three cultures that impacted the area due to the regions history. "The Southwest is a cultrue region distinguished by coexisting Spanish American, American Indian, and Northwest Europen American (anglo) people" (Page 276 textbook). These three cultures have shaped the region into what it has become today. Out of the three cultures the American Indian population had been kicked out of their land and re stettled into fixed reservation areas that the U.S government provided for them since they took over the land. The Spanish American population is one that is growing by the numbers and make much of the influence in the region. The Anglo people of the area not until recently have taken interest in the area since technology have along them to be in such a rugged desert like area without having to struggle because of the conditions. This also separates the these cultures from each other due to the financial cituations, the Hispanic and Indian American population are generally separated from the Anglo areas.
Cross-Border Economy
The United States and Mexico border have very different economies which are separated by a fence, but belong to the same region. The this makes the region even more unique , espeically those cities that close in proximity through the different countries. Once Mexico made a program that allowed the United States to cross the border, and create labor intensive manufacturing industries that provides jobs for a poor Mexico which are having problems with jobs for its people. Some people from Mexico cross the border to go work in the United States due to their poor economy. Most Americans only travel to Mexico to enjoy vacations at resorts that exist in Mexico. El Paso, Texas , and Cuidad Juarez are called twin cities but belong to different countries this shows the close proximity shown in the map at the bottom.
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