Sunday, December 5, 2010

The Empty Interior

" North America's largest are of sparse population south of the Arctic stretches from the the Rocky Mountains' eastern slopes west to the Sierra Nevada of California, the Cascade Range of the Pacific northwest, and the Coast Mountains of British Columbia" (pg252 textbook).
The Phsyical Environment
This area of the United states has a very rugged terrain making it a hard place to live. The area is surrounded by different mountain chains, and extensive platues in between them. The mountains in this area of the United States are very tall, rugged, and pointy. The other feature of this region are the plateaus which make up most of the Empty Interior, that is why most of the scenic places such as the Grand Canyon are one of the most visted places visited because of the snenic look that erosion has cause on the plateaus.

The Grand Canyon to the left and the above image is part of the snake river valley in the southern part of idaho. Here smililar erosion has carved canyons, but the difference is that the Grand Canyons are much deeper making it a bigger attractions to peoples eyes.
Boise/Nampa, Idaho are part of the Empty Interior , and we can see it due to is physical characteristics and climite that it is part of  this region.

The climate of this area due to it's precipitation is arid or semiarid. It is a very try regions except for the higher elevations regions. the images below show how the Boise area looks in time of summer , and in the winter when its hot and dry. The Empty Interior also holds all if not most of the regions of desert that exist in the country. Every vacation I decided to go to Boise, Idaho I find myself driving through the Empty Interior through most of nevada, southeast oregon, and finally into Idaho.

Boise, Idaho (SUMMER)
" Irrigated crops dominate agricultural production in the Empty Interior(figure 13.5) in the text book shows the areas. This helps population with is sparse in the area stay in the location and provide some economic value to the land they own. The image at the bottom shows an example of the irrigation that is used in the idaho areas.

Boise, Idaho (WINTER)

Irrigation in Idaho

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